Fringe Vision
There are two ways to lead your
life, one is to stay focused on what you are doing and have a tunneled vision
with your definition of the world being “you” and “people connected to you”. Do you actually notice things around and see
what is happening? I am sure many people reading this would say what is wrong
in this and would claim to notice everything.
My question here is : What is it
that scientists, artists, winners do differently to achieve extra-ordinary
Again, some of you would claim
yourself to be successful in your own way, agreed, but here I am talking of
extra-ordinary success, something which is phenomenal, which changes the way
people think and do things.
I am talking of the kind of work
artists and scientists do. Here is my
take on it, these are people who are more alert to what is happening in the
fringe of their visual field. They notice things which normal people don’t notice.
Artists would notice them and paint the picture with details which surprises
the viewers; photographers freeze moments which we just passed by without
noticing. Poets find pain in what is happening around them and we just pass
by. True scientists would notice things
in their peripheral vision, sometimes what was obviously seen, but was being
missed by everybody, is noticed by
someone and science progresses. History
is full of such examples where the obvious was being missed, for example
something like Newton’s discovery of gravity, and now we take it for granted. Somehow,
I feel, this is what medicine books also try to teach us. Notice the patient as
a whole, then zero down on field of interest, and radiology is similar, take an
overview, and then focus on pathology. Good students notice things in the fringe and
answer even the rare questions in exam and get more marks. Great physicians
notice things which others missed and treat the patient in one brilliant
Developing fringe vision is one
art which I feel is being missed, probably for a simple reason, that it gets overwhelming
to notice everything and feel pain of
everything, probably the extra curious and sensitive people are more alert to the fringes and their work
brings the fringe to the visual field of the mainstream.
Fringe Vision
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, June 23, 2014

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