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Radiology News


“Teamwork” makes you come “Alive”

Each cell in our body is alive in itself. Yet, to say that it has existence on its own is difficult to say. Just imagine if liver cells claim to be an end in themselves while we know they have no identity in themselves, the unit for us is the individual.

Now, extrapolate this concept to your organisation, just as each cell in our body has separate existence but it comes into interaction with other cells and creates unique individual that is you.

Similarly, each member of a team comes together to make an alive, pulsating organisation. Imagine some of the organs/components behaving selfishly and the organisation becomes sick and in the end the even the organ doesn’t survive.

Our existence and interactions with others is what makes households, organisations, states and countries come alive.

Random group of people working disjointly form an association and when they begin interaction and interdependence they form a team.

We are all interlinked.

Let’s work towards putting good into the system and in the end what you put in comes back.

“Teamwork” makes you come “Alive” Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Friday, April 01, 2016 Rating: 5

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