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Radiology News


Another claim that Teleradiology Threatens Healthcare Quality-But do they understand its value?

I read with interest an article on FierceMedicalImaging by Dr David Levin, which somehow underestimates the power of teleradiology and utility. He says, "teleradiology sends a terrible message. It basically tells the rest of the medical world--other physicians, hospital administrators, policy makers, etc.--that radiologists aren't interested in being real, consulting physicians."

Well having struggled to build up a viable teleradiology firm in India over the years, i would believe to the contrary, be it a remote consultation or on site, a radiologist needs to have clarity of thought and communication skill both in his report and verbally. Top teleradiology firms offer help and stat reviews which are just a phone call away. We bring quality to remotest locations, using teleradiology in country like India and we believe telemedicine particularly for image based sciences like teleradiology, teledermatology and telepathology holds the key for future.
Another claim that Teleradiology Threatens Healthcare Quality-But do they understand its value? Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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