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Radiology News


Power of “the moment”

Radical thought yet again. But I have always felt that more I think about something, more complex it becomes. And usually I end up doing what I always knew I would. Do we actually overrate thinking?  I have a firm belief that every time we are facing a confusing situation, for a fraction of a second we know what we really want and then the reality & thinking process clouds it. It happens in competitive exams as well. I have had the good fortune for getting a single digit rank in many exams myself and having interacted with many top  rankers henceforth because of DAMS experience, I feel most rankers just know the answer. Similarly, most business leaders when you ask them why they are into their domain, they just know it. This happens so many times in personal life as well, you know what you really want but you keep clouding your thinking. Even in business decisions I have learnt, many people think too much and end up doing nothing.  And many big decisions are often made on a gut feeling.

For a brief moment, you always know what you want; all you need is the ability to tap into that hidden wisdom, that divine signal, that just know what is to be done.   Learn to hear your own voice and God willing, you will hear the wisest advise you have ever heard.

Power of “the moment” Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Sunday, October 05, 2014 Rating: 5

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