Madura Foot: MRI
Case Report - A 45 year non-diabetic male pt. presents
with pain & swelling in right
foot of about 2-3 months duration for
MRI foot with clinical suspicion of
Metatarsal shows cortical thickening and sclerosis in shaft & mild expansile
lytic lesions in the base with ill defined T2 hypointense soft tissue around
the base. Multiple lytic lesions also seen in talus (neck and anterior body),
anterior calcaneum, inferior cuboid, intermediate & lateral cuneiforms.
defined T2 hypointense soft tissue seen in the subcutaneous plane of mid foot
sole & in the dorsum of foot over
the head of 1st & 2nd
metatarsal showing small rounded areas with faint iso to hyperintense signal
with hypointense rim & central tiny dot like hypointense focus – suggesting
dot-in-circle sign.
defined T2 hypointense soft tissue also seen in the superficial & deep
muscle planes of the plantar aspect of mid & hind foot with similar signal
are suggestive of chronic osteomyelitis of foot due to granulomatous etiology
most likely due to actinomycetoma, consistent with history. Differential – TB (
less likely).
Points by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
Mycetoma or Madura foot is a chronic
granulomatous infection of the dermis and epidermis caused by the bacteria Actinomyces (Actinomycetoma) or by true fungi
(eumycetoma). It was first described in the Indian district of Madura in 1846,
hence the eponym Madura foot, affecting mainly the feet, which are more prone
to trauma, and hence more likely to get infected, other sites - lower legs, hands, head, neck,
chest, shoulders and arms, common in males between the ages of 20 and 50 years.
The infecting organism is presumed to be directly
inoculated after penetration of the skin with a sharp object e.g., a thorn later forming painless
subcutaneous nodules and fistulae, from which a purulent exudate may be
discharged. The process is usually indolent but with a potential for abscess
formation, draining sinus tracts, osteomyelitis, and fistula formation, with
severe deformity and disability ensuing if treatment is not provided.
The “dot-in-circle” sign has recently been
proposed as a highly specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
ultrasonography (USG) sign of mycetoma, which may allow a noninvasive as well
as early diagnosis.
MRI shows lesions with low signal on T1W and T2W
images, possibly due to susceptibility from the metabolic products of the
“grains”. The “dot-in-circle” sign, seen as tiny hypointense foci within the
hyperintense spherical lesions on T2W, STIR, and T1W fat-saturated
gadolinium-enhanced images. The high-signal areas seen on MRI represents inflammatory
granulomata, the low-intensity tissue seen surrounding these lesions represents
the fibrous matrix, and the small central hypointense foci within the
granulomata represents the fungal balls or grains. Differential for the “dots” is rice bodies –
hypointense foci seen in the synovial fluid of patients with articular or
tendon tuberculosis.
(with demonstration of the characteristic features) or staining and
microbiological culture of the discharge from the lesion usually gives the
definitive diagnosis, both are time-consuming procedures and diagnosis may be
difficult to achieve, especially with fastidious organisms.
medication is successful in almost 90% of cases, lesions not arising in
the foot or due to fungus tend to have a worse prognosis and require surgery.
Madura Foot: MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Friday, January 13, 2017

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