Mediocrity is easy
Some people strive to become average; they want to have an easy mediocre life. Yes, mediocrity is easy. And lot of talented men with lack of enthusiasm for future are drawn to mediocrity due to sheer ease of being mediocre.
It is the desire for excellence which brings the extra-ordinary out of ordinary people, which helps them to “rise to the occasion”, play more than their abilities and talent. When you do things that you want to do, be what you want to be, when you are yourself without pretensions that is where the journey for excellence begins.
While “mediocrity” is a sin. It lures (you) to itself and kills your dreams and passion. You end up being a safe, riskless mediocre.
It is so damn easy to be a mediocre that it is almost a contagious disease. It spreads and people feel security in mediocrity.
Safe in their comfort zones.
Safe, secure yet mediocre…
Is that what you want to be remembered as?
Mediocrity is easy
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

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