Double Bubble Sign
antenatal ultrasound a case with Double
Bubble sign turned out to be midgut malrotation
Appearance- Two well defined echofree
cystic areas seen in fetal upper abdomen
due to fluid distended stomach and proximal duodenum. Abdominal radiograph of these cases also
usually reveals two gaseous/ lucent areas [double bubble] representing air in
stomach & duodenum , with gasless rest of the abdomen.
Dr.Subhash Tailor M.D.[ Radiology]
Dr.Gaurav Bahety M Ch [Ped.Surgery ]
Bhilwara [Rajasthan] , INDIA
Intrinsic duodenal obstructions like-
duodenal atresia,stenosis and web
Extrinsic causes like – Annular pancreas
& Ladd’s band with midgut malrotation
A 19 yr primi gravida was asked for antenatal ultrasound in last trimester
for fetal well being. She also complained of pain abdomen & slight leaking
US- Fetal abdomen revealed a Double Bubble Sign
[fig. 1 ] . Mild oligohydramnios was also present [due to recent leaking pv].
Fetal gestation was about 35 weeks. No any other abnormality was seen. In
keeping with antenatal sonography
findings, a probable diagnosis of Duodenal atresia was made. The patient then delivered
a female child same day.
Neonatal abdominal radiograph showed a large single gaseous shadow due to distended
stomach , with relatively gasless abdomen [fig. 2 ] . The second bubble was
absent , likely the duodenal air was deflated with NG tube or passed distally,which
raised the suspecian of some other
pathology or cause .
postnatal abdominal ultrasound was asked which revealed upper abdominal epigastric whirlpool sign on B-mode
& color Doppler due to mesenteric twist . There was transposition of superior mesenteric
artery & vein with clockwise 360degree rotation of SMV over SMA [fig.3 ] .
Rest of abdomen was normal except mildly promiment & fluid filled small
bowel loops .So ,on the basis of mesenteric whirlpool sign a possibility of
midgut malrotation with volvulus was
The neonate was operated in emergency to avoid impending mesenteric ischemia due
to suspected volvulus , & the diagnosis of midgut malrotation with volvulus
was confirmed [ fig.4 & 5].
Fig.1 – Fetal upper abdomen shows Double
Bubble sign due to fluid distended stomach & prox.duodenum
Fig. 2- Neonatal abdominal radiograph
reveals single lucent shadow of stomach with NG tube in situ , & gasless
rest of the abdomen
Fig. 3 – Upper abdominal B-mode & color
Doppler TS images shows classical Whirlpool sign due to mesenteric twist
Fig.4 – Peroperative photograph of
mesenteric twist & midgut malrotation
Fig.5 – Peroperative photograph of
mesenteric twist & midgut malrotation after complete exploration
Double Bubble Sign
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, May 21, 2012

Dont we want to publish these good case reports also in The Internet Journal of Radiology and link them?
yes Oli sure, i have already encouraged the submitter for IJRA.
fantastic efforts and congratulation to both of you
congratulation a beautiful case
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