Acute cerebellitis-MRI
Acute cerebellitis is one of the main causes of cerebellar dysfunction in children, and may be infectious, post-infectious or post-vaccination. Its aetiology is usually viral and a large number of viruses have been implicated (varicella-zoster, measles, mumps, coxsackie, Epstein-Barr, rubeola, pertussis and diphtheria, among others), although in most cases a definite aetiology remains undetermined . The cerebrospinal fluid examination may be normal or reveal pleocytosis, and the diagnosis is based mainly on clinical criteria . The disease is usually benign and self-limiting, its prognosis is habitually good, and recovery with a few or no sequelae is the usual outcome
IMAGING- It is usually bilateral,symetrical and MRI is the investigation of choice It displays predominantly graymatter and cortical signal abnormality with white matter involvement, which when it occurs is patchy and variable ,compressing the 4 th ventricle leading to obstructive proximal hydrocehalus. It is usually is low on T1 and bright on T2 and FLAIR with NO restricted diffusion(diff from acute infarction). Restricted diffusion is more common in bacterial and anerobic cerebellitis , though it can be seen in viral eiology Contrast enhancement is typically pial and along the sulcal spaces. MRS shows necrosis ,as lactate/ lipid in occassional cases
Differential diagnosis-- include acute intoxication by drugs, alcohol, tumours and demyelination (predominantly white matter involved). Lead poisoning could simulate this and so does Lhermitte-duclos (LDD)which could be differentiated by the presence of contrast enhancement and full recovery in cases of viral cerebellitis . If any surgical intervention is planned, in any caae resembling this disease ,it is worth repeating MRI after few weeks to see progress as viral cerebellitis will invariably improve.
Case by Dr MGK Murthy, Sr Consultant Radiologist.
IMAGING- It is usually bilateral,symetrical and MRI is the investigation of choice It displays predominantly graymatter and cortical signal abnormality with white matter involvement, which when it occurs is patchy and variable ,compressing the 4 th ventricle leading to obstructive proximal hydrocehalus. It is usually is low on T1 and bright on T2 and FLAIR with NO restricted diffusion(diff from acute infarction). Restricted diffusion is more common in bacterial and anerobic cerebellitis , though it can be seen in viral eiology Contrast enhancement is typically pial and along the sulcal spaces. MRS shows necrosis ,as lactate/ lipid in occassional cases
Differential diagnosis-- include acute intoxication by drugs, alcohol, tumours and demyelination (predominantly white matter involved). Lead poisoning could simulate this and so does Lhermitte-duclos (LDD)which could be differentiated by the presence of contrast enhancement and full recovery in cases of viral cerebellitis . If any surgical intervention is planned, in any caae resembling this disease ,it is worth repeating MRI after few weeks to see progress as viral cerebellitis will invariably improve.
Case by Dr MGK Murthy, Sr Consultant Radiologist.
Acute cerebellitis-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, November 01, 2010

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