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Radiology News


The moment you almost give up

There are times when things seem to go wrong, there are times when we feel we are not able to force things to happen. That’s when sometimes we give up and change course. Then at times you feel what would have happened if you had persisted and regret happens. Some people win, some people lose, they both feel the same urge to give up at that moment but winners endure the pain of uncertainty and overcome the fear of failure, and stay put. That’s what is courage and that is what separates winners from losers. Yes, need of the moment was to stay put, not forcing forward. Courage is not always forcing forward, sometimes it means staying put despite odds and the moment you give up is actually a test to scare the weak.

As Edison said: The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
The moment you almost give up Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Wednesday, November 05, 2014 Rating: 5

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