Image Quiz-Chest Imaging

A five year old male child presented with respiratory distress, a chest CT was done as a part of evaluation. Representative Lung window scan is given here.
What is the diagnosis?
Correct Answer- Foreign body bronchus with right lower lobe collapse
Winners-Massoud Pezeshki Rad,Mash
Leave your answers in the comments section. Correct answer and the winner will be published next week.
Image Quiz-Chest Imaging
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Friday, October 28, 2005
Consolidation, Sequestered lung
RLL collapse due to foreign body
Its a foreign body in right lower lobe bronchus with secondary consolidation and collapse.
looks like things are getting interesting any more answers?all winners with correct answers will be published in a few days!!
left lung collapsed with relative medistinal shift.
correct answer and winners are up!!
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