Bilateral ICA block: MRI
Case Report
76 yrs old female pt. presets for MR brain
angio with c/o giddiness of long duration.
MRA shows – marked narrowing & grossly
reduced flow signal of both ICA in carotid canal with complete absence of
cavernous ICA with source images
suggesting right PCOM feeding ipsilateral MCA & left MCA possibly filling from right side.
Both MCA are grossly reduced in caliber with origins not identified along with
poorly visualized both ACA & ACOM.
Dominant grossly tortuous &
atheromatous vertebral system with basilar artery suggesting
tortuosity/atheromatous looping / redundancy with both PCA normal for the age.
Multiple tiny possible collaterals
identified in the basal ganglia (right > left) along with external carotid
branches possibly feeding Circle of Willis branches predominantly MCA.
Brain parenchyma shows possible gliosis
post infarction in right frontal lobe & multiple ill defined irregular
T2/FLAIR hyperintensities in both gangliocapsular & periventricular
whitematter suggesting old infarctions with rest of brain & CP angles
unremarkable for the age. Submitted by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
Clinical features of ICA occlusion range
from asymptomatic to acute stroke or death, transient monocular blindness
( amourosis fugax), orthostatic TIA / post prandial hypotension, exercise induced
ischemic symptoms ( cerebral claudication), involuntary limb shaking, headache
( due to collateral circulation) , syncope , dementia.
Pathogenesis - In chronic ICA occlusion, collateral
circulation may maintain cerebral perfusion. ICA occlusion is frequently
associated with borderzone infarcts.Compensatory mechanisms like collateral
vessels can prevent ischaemia in ICA occlusion. The most important source of
collateral flow are contralateral ICA via the
circle of Willis. The blood flows in an anterograde manner up the contralateral
ICA and then across the circle of Willis to the anterior communicating artery.
From here, it goes in an anterograde manner along the cortical branches of the
anterior cerebral artery and in a retrograde manner along the anterior cerebral
artery to the middle cerebral artery (MCA), and then distally into the MCA
territory in the usual anterograde manner.
Orbital branches of the
ipsilateral ECA. Anterograde flow up in the ECA to the orbit (mainly via its
maxillary branches & via facial,
frontal branches or leptomeningeal branches) allows links with the ophthalmic
branch of the ICA. Blood flows in a
retrograde manner in the ophthalmic branch to join the supraophthalmic part of
the ICA.
It is important to differentiate
total extracranial ICA occlusion from a near-total occlusion (also termed
preocclusive stenosis). The patients with symptomatic near-occlusion are
considered to be at a high risk of future embolisation and can derive benefit
from carotid endarterectomy. However, carotid endarterectomy is not an option
in complete ICA occlusion.
it is technically difficult
to open a chronically occluded ICA, the management of a chronic ICA occlusion
mainly includes strategies to reduce the risk of future strokes and other
cardiovascular events, reducing embolic
risk, modifications of risk factors -for
example, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and smoking & use of
antithrombotic & anticoagulant
Bilateral ICA block: MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Saturday, February 23, 2019

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