Cauda equina mass: An Approach
57 yr male with h/o low
back pain with no h/o trauma presents for MRI lumbar spine which shows – Large
relatively well defined , regular, intradural, subtly & heterogeneously
enhancing SOL, seen from lower L3 border to middle of body of L5 with
compression of cauda equina fibers, displaying mostly soft tissue signals on
all sequences / normal meningeal
enhancement, with no significant hemorrhage / fat / cystic / necrosis/
MR demonstrable calcification components
/ sugarcoating / scalloping or enlargement of the posterior neural elements/
dumbbell shaped extension across the neural foramina / marrow signal abnormality
/ soft tissue collections -intradural
neoplastic etiology is possible like astrocytoma (though no significant
enhancement) / gangliogloma (though no calcification) / unusual epidermoid (though
no cyst ) etc. may need consideration. Other etiology like myxopapillary
ependymoma or neuroenic etiologies less likely, in view of enhancement pattern. Case Submitted by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad.
Tumors of cauda equina & filum
terminal region -
ependymomas are the most common tumor of the conus medullaris and filum
terminale, representing more than 90% of tumors in this region seen in young adults and usually show marked homogeneous enhancement & may have hemorrhagic
areas ( cap sign) & calcifications. Cord edema & nontumoral cysts are common findings. Also may show scoliosis, canal
widening & vertebral scalloping.
- arise from nerve roots of cauda equine
& show marked enhancement with occasional cystic & necrotic areas &
fatty degeneration at times. Hemorrhages are less common.
Other less frequent tumors -
can show bone erosion, scoliosis,
interpedicular distance widening and eccentric disposition. T1-weighted MRI
reveals a lesion with multiple vertebral involvement and poorly defined margins
. Cysts are also common in astrocytomas without a cap sign.
– well defined isointense lesions on T1 & T2 with variable homogenous
enhancement & may show calcifications. Hemorrhages are uncommon.
of the intradural spine are rare & usually seen from lung, breast,
melanoma, lymphoma, leukemia. Post-contrast study can show leptomeningeal enhancement &
thickening suggesting drop metastasis or leptomeningeal carcinomatosis also
known as “sugar coating” or “Zuckerguss. Cystic structures are rarely associated with
spinal metastasis, however bone erosion is common. Cord edema with mild cord
expansion over several vertebral segments, disproportionate to lesion size, is
usually seen in spinal metastasis.
Spinal PNET - common site are filum terminale and cauda
equine with diffuse heterogeneous enhancement . CSF seeding of tumor shows leptomeningeal enhancement.
Ganglioglioma- rarely involves conus medullaris, seen predominantly
in children and young adults with mixed signal intensity on T1 weighted images
with patchy enhancement. Calcification are common.
Less common hypervascular tumors are
hemangioblastomas & paragangliomas with intense enhancement &
serpentine vascular flow voids in the vicinity.
of the spinal cord accounts for fewer than 1% of all lymphomas in the body
& patients commonly present with ambulatory difficulties and muscle
weakness. Lymphomas of the spinal cord shown high signal intensity on
T2-weighted images with irregular enhancement.
Benign tumors –
terminale lipomas – usually incidental & very common (upto 5% in general population).
cyst - 20% are located in the cauda
equina seen younger than 20 years of age & usually contain fatty
elements with no enhancement or mild rim enhancement.
Epidermoid cyst similar intensity to CSF on T1 and T2 weighted
images & are non-enhancing, however, a thin rim of contrast enhancement may
be seen & show diffusion restriction.
Cauda equina mass: An Approach
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Saturday, January 12, 2019

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