MR perfusion without contrast (Arterial Spin Labeling, ASL)
Teaching points by Dr MGK Murthy
1. So far, in the absence of better techniques for studying direct neural activity, Science has relied on Vascular supply to regions as an Index , using (a) Gadolinium MRI (b) Radioactively labeled water (15 O water )imaged with with PET Scanner (c) BOLD techniques of MRI (using Oxygen uptake for e.g.: as in functional MRI)
2. However a new technique now using , Magnetically labeled water molecules(Arterial Spin Labeled, ASL) on MRI scanners to study Brain perfusion ( CBF ,Cerebral Blood Flow) is becoming increasingly popular due to
(a) No injections or chemicals
(b) No Radiation
(c) Changes in ASL on activation of brain areas more than possible with BOLD techniques
Disadvantage: Takes longer for acquisition/ Less slices/ Thicker slices /Inherently Noisier (as compared to BOLD)
(a) Arterial blood water labeled just below the slice of interest by applying inversion RF pulse of 180 deg ---------------Inversion of net magnetization of Blood Water (Water molecules labeled magnetically)----------------- --After a period of time (Called Transit Time) ---------- paramagnetic tracer will flow in to slice or Region of interest --------------Exchanges with Tissue water ------------Results in Decrease in Total Tissue Magnetization --------------MR signal and image intensity will decrease -----Image taken at this stage called TAG image
(b) Repeat the above acquisition (a) without Inversion pulse of 180 deg --------------referred to as Control image
(c) Subtraction of control image (b) from magnetically labeled water TAG image (a) === Reflects the amount of arterial blood delivered to each voxel in the Slice (ROI) with in the transit time (that is CBF)
(d) Currently four types of ASL exist (i) pulsed ASL (PASL) (5-20ms pulsed RFs) , (ii) continuous ASL (CASL)(1-2 second RF ) (iii) pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) and (iv) velocity-selective ASL (VS-ASL)
(e) While PASL, CASL, and pCASL invert the inflowing blood at a specific location, VS-ASL saturates the blood that is moving at a faster velocity than the specified cutoff value to achieve perfusion contrast
Disadv of VA-ASDL is low SNR and the need to calculate the optimum velocity for labeling cutoff
(f) Two problems exist in general for ASL Technique (i) subtle Movement artifacts adversely affect the image because of the subtraction nature of the same.
(ii) they are also highly sensitive for susceptibility artefacts arising from surgical hardware/ hemorrhage/ air in sinuses etc
(g) Two critical steps recommended include (i) Labeling plane should be placed perpendicular to Feeding arteries in general and (ii) avoid potential artefact sources like the sinuses/ surgical hardware etc
4. Usefulness of ASL technique is quite self explanatory in Various day to day clinical scenarios including in children/ Pregnant women / renal compromise patients etc .
Other uses include
(i) CVA ( in Acute --- for penumbra blood flow and in Chronic stroke for study of Revascularizing regions)
(ii) Dementia ( for e.g. Alzheimer's suggests reduced CBF in precuneus/ post cingulate/ post parietal locations)
(iii) Neuro-oncology (for studying recurrences / primary tumours )
(iv) Epilepsy (increased CBF in Ictal phase and Decreased CBF in interictal phase)
5. Psychiatry diseases profile for utility of ASL technique merits special consideration
(i) Chronic and treatment-resistant depression = Altered perfusion in pathologically relevant subgenual anterior cingulate cortex compared to healthy controls
(ii) Adolescent depression shows decreased CBF in executive/ affective / motor regions with late life depression shows increased CBF in white matter)
(iii) Schizophrenia = decreased CBF in prefrontal cortex
(iv) Border line personality disorders= Decreased CBF in medial orbito frontal / Increased CBF in lateral orbito frontal regions
Can be also used to evaluate treatment response in all conditions
6. Territorial ASL =study of one vessel territory like ACA/MCA etc (using Pseudo continuous ASL technique called pCASL)
7.Available in most current scanners across all the vendors
8. Takes Approximately 5 minutes of extratime to imaging
MR perfusion without contrast (Arterial Spin Labeling, ASL)
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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