Adhesive capsulitis-MRI
34 year male presents with shoulder pain, no trauma. MRI shows- poor definition of coracohumeral ligament with abnormal intermediate
amorphous signal (with hypointense foci on all sequences) surrounding the ligament
with ill definition of superior glenohumeral ligament & rotator interval
with mild free fluid in the shoulder joint – likely suggesting adhesive
– periarthritis / frozen shoulder.
Discussion by Dr MGK Murthy, Dr GA Prasad
Inflammatory condition
of pain & severely reduced joint motion ( frozen shoulder) caused by thickening,
contraction, and adhesion of the glenohumeral capsule, synovium, and
glenohumeral ligaments, with resultant decreased capsular compliance. Most commonly encountered in female patients who are
40 to 60 years of age. Adhesive capsulitis begins as an inflammatory
hypervascular synovitis, which prompts a progressive fibroblastic response in
the adjacent capsule.
Coracohumeral ligament ( CHL) is the key structure involved which becomes rigid
& inelastic.
Typical MR findings include:
hypertrophy and debris within the rotator interval seen as replacement of the
normal rotator interval fat by granulation tissue or fibrous tissue.
of the rotator interval capsule.
of the ligaments of the rotator interval, SGHL, and CHL
of the joint capsule along the axillary pouch.
width of the axillary recess. The thickness of
the capsule of the axillary recess is best demonstrated on coronal images at
the mid glenoid level. Thickened inferior glenohumeral ligament greater than 4
mm is often seen in the axillary pouch.
IV gadolinium enhancement increases the specificity of the
diagnosis by demonstrating enhancement of the rotator interval capsule and
enhancement of the capsuloligamentous structures in the axillary recess.
Adhesive capsulitis-MRI
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Monday, February 20, 2017

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