Skeptic, with a Bit of Faith
Too much faith on everything told to you stalls progress. World moves forward because the skpetics disagree. They don’t believe the textbooks and create new paths where there were none. Change the way we understand the world. Most of what we learnt in school textbooks has already been proved otherwise in the real world, and most of us didn’t even doubt the truth of the textbook.
Albert Einstein once said, “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
But there is a flip side to it, sometimes skpetics have too many doubts to move forward. They keep doubting, while in a team, you need faith on leadership. Faith on the concept. People who find it easy to have faith, who actually race to trust, have the advantage of speed. They are able to move forward on faith even before there are evident facts for the “skeptic” to agree on. They already are deep into it. They get the lead time.
Martin Luther King said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Ideal mix for a successful person would be a skeptic, with a little bit of faith. He treats distant information with skepticism and near ones with faith.
Skeptic for the what he hears as facts from books, media and newspapers
Chooses “the faith” way for the people close to him.
Skeptic, with a Bit of Faith
Reviewed by Sumer Sethi
Sunday, December 06, 2015
Rating: 5

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random ramblings
Sumer Sethi

About Dr. Sumer Sethi
Number of Entries : 35Unique blend of academic excellence and entrepreneurship, heading leading firms in India- Teleradiology Providers, pioneering company providing teleradiology services and DAMS (Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences) Premier test preparation institute in India for MD/MS/MCI preparation. He has also been an invited faculty member at various conferences, including Teleradiology in IRIA 2008 and 2011, Hospital Build Middle East, Congress of the Brain Tumor Radiology in Neuro-oncology Society. Dr. Sethi is Editor-in-Chief of Internet Journal of Radiology. He has a keen interest in Web 2.0 technologies and in maintaining his famous radiology blog, which has been featured in multiple international journals.
random ramblings
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